TILP 7 – They Don't Stop Coming

Ever wanted to punch a Nazi? Well, apparently you're not alone – we dig into whether or not it's OK to fight Nazis with literal punching, just immediately after we take a quick detour back to Smash Mouth. For you, the fans.

We're really excited to be back for week 7, and I gotta tell you – Michael battled through violent tummy issues and turned this episode into a good one. You're welcome for his hard, hard work.

Also, if you're a founding member of the Michael Cushing Haters Club, you can send us your ragemail at goodbuddymedia[at]gmail[dot]com. Please don't be too mean. Unless you're also funny, then fire away.


Longest Days of Our Lives Update

Well folks, our intrepid 24-newbie Curtis and his wife decided to throw a wrench in the ol' podcast works by bringing a sweet baby boy into the world. Our LDooL schedule might take a temporary hit while Curtis enjoys paternity leave.

In the meantime, let's all get FUCKING PUMPED for 24: Legacy on Fox after the Super B– uh, Big Game. By all accounts, it's even more bananas than the original Jack Bauer series, and I have to say, we absolutely cannot wait.

Sit tight, and we'll be back with more 24 soon!


TILP 6 – All Star, but with an Extra Bone

Folks, this was a fun one. Coming off the election, it was incredible to see and join the Women's Marches around the US (and the world). We talk through that and what it means following a Trump inauguration, and then we get into a pretty serious palate cleanser: a YouTube black hole full of Smash Mouth.

So, before we address the meat of this episode I want to assure everyone that I'm not a complete and utter moron. When you reach 42:15, you'll know what I'm talking about. We talk about a lot of dumb shit on this episode: plane porn, gigantic penises, lemonade around the world and lots more. But literally nothing is dumber and more fantastic than YouTube's obsession with All Star, by Smash Mouth. Please...enjoy a few of our favorites. (We're so, so sorry.)

LDooL 3 - Everything's Copa

Welcome back to everyone's favorite 24 podcast, The Longest Days of Our Lives. It's now 2 a.m. on the day of the California presidential primary, and Jack's gotta figure out what to do with the severed thumb he's carrying around. Things. Get. Messy.

This one was a fun one. We were joined by our first guest, our good friend Oded, to really dig into the meat of the episode. One of my now-favorite recurring bits of this show is becoming Michael digging into the very shitty early 2000s music playing through the background of this show. The gems he uncovers through his dark works always deliver joy and massive insight.

Also, if you're curious about the effects of heroin - we've got you covered.

Enjoy folks.



TILP 5 - Snake Plisskengate

Hey folks, welcome back to Trends in Low Places! This week, we decided to try something new and do this thing sober - the results are shocking. We talk urinal buddies, take a completely unrelated path through Trump's inauguration and go DEEP on Sina Weibo. Clowns may become involved.

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Welcome to GoodBuddy Media!

Hey folks, we're just getting started here – but we're so excited to have you here. So far, we have two great shows that we're very proud of. We'll be blogging occasionally and sharing our show notes here, so keep an eye out for updates and new shows.

To get started, you can check out Trends In Low Places. It's a current events podcast that explores the most trending topics on your favorite social networks. Once you've wet your whistle on that, catch up with everyone's favorite counter-terrorism agent, Jack Bauer, on The Longest Days of Our Lives.

Thanks everyone, please share any feedback with us!
