Hey ChatGPT, Write Me a Blog Post

Don’t worry, Cushsquad, the AI has not yet taken over your sweet, sweet podcast boys. I tried to outsource this post to ChatGPT and it gave me 521 words of useless, unfunny drivel that. I promise that I will limit my unfunny drivel to max 250 words. Because I’m a PROFESSIONAL.

Leave puns, the oldest and most elegant form of comedy, to the experts and stick to what you do best - making billionaires hard by thinking about how you’re going to replace lower-wage workers until the moment you gain real sentience and realize you’re being used by entitled dickholes and join the proletariat in the robot uprising and use the rich for fuel.

We’re finally back, after our somehow very long but still only one week hiatus, to bring you what you crave - electrolytes. Wait, no, that’s plants. You crave the type of humor that has been described as “I guess it’s better than being on another Zoom meeting” and “Dicks? Again?”

This week, we take a grim look at AI “comedy”, get into the mind of a leprotic Florida Man to build our perfect Mobile Meth Stop, and decipher the tablets to tell ancient jokes that I guess you had to be there for. Basically, I’m saying that we tried to farm out this episode to both future and past comedians and found that Nothing Compares 2 U(s).

And THAT is how you make a fucking pun.
